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Fairground Features

& Clubs

Building Rental

Buildings are rented out from September - July.
Rental Space is available in 9 buildings for storage. Buildings also rented for daily shows and events. Contact Scott at 515-341-1372 or email

Kossuth County Agriculture & Motorsports Meusum

The Kossuth County Agriculture & Motorsports Museum, featuring the Benschoter Train Station, is located on the Kossuth County Fairgrounds in Algona. Our mission is to educate visitors about the rich history agriculture and motorsports have in Kossuth County. From agriculture providing our “way of life”, to motorsports providing entertainment for many, these two museum areas will educate and entertain visitors of any age. In addition to honoring our rich ag and motorsports, the museum is also the home of the Benschoter Train Station. Kossuth County farmer Arlen Benschoter’s massive working scale model train collection is on display to public for the first time. This impressive collection will provide enjoyment and entertainment for all and features a 40 ft. by 60 ft. train display. 


Hours : Saturday's & Sunday's 1:00-4:00 p.m. until December 31, 2020.

Admission: $5.00/adult during off Fair times

Building entrance and both floors of the museum are handicapped accessible.


The World-Famous POW Nativity Scene 

The Algona Nativity Scene was built by German Prisoners of War during World War II. Designer and originator of the idea, Edward Kaib, and five of his fellow prisoners constructed the scene with more than sixty figures that are one-half life-size. The unique story of the scene has been featured in magazines, newspapers, television and radio throughout the country. Thousands of visitors from all 50 states and many foreign nations have viewed the inspirational exhibit over the years. The scene is located in a special building on the Kossuth County Fairgrounds in Algona. It is open to the public throughout the month of December and at other times by special appointment.  —Nativity Scene figures are one-half life size.

Contact Marvin Chickering 515-295-7519 or First United Methodist Church 515-295-7241.  Open December for Tours


Kossuth County Rifle & Pistol Club

The Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club welcomes members from all across Iowa's largest county. Established in 1940 and located in the historic "Old Armory" building on the Kossuth County Fairgrounds, the club allows members and registered guests 24/7 access to a 6 lane indoor shooting range. Pistol and Rifle Leagues warm the months of January, Febraury and early March. 

Our Club Objective: The Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club will endeavor to promote the safe and sportsmanlike use of firearms. Our goal is to offer competition, instruction and to promote the safe use of firearms. The Kossuth Rifle and Pistol Club will endeavor to present at all times a positive image of firearms to the community.


Kossuth County Saddle Club

We are an active club that tries to host something for everyone: From Barrel Races to Sorting and Roping to Pleasure Events! Dues $25 family $15/single

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